VÄX: Var gnistan! ILLUMINATED OUR NIGHT and sparked a huge impact for campers!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Saturday, September 9th for VÄX: Var gnistan!, an evening dedicated to celebrating and supporting the transformational experience of camp! You helped make a huge impact for campers – raising more than $1.2 million! We are so grateful to all the wonderful people who make our campers’ experiences possible through donating, volunteering, supporting camp programs, and more!

Please take a moment to view a special thank you video below from our emcee and camper alumna, Makenna, and auctioneer Matt Lorch.

Every child deserves the opportunity to “just be a kid,” and we’re committed to making that a reality. That’s why our Family Weekends, Summer Camp sessions, Family Adventures, and retreats are 100% adaptable and 100% free of charge for campers and families. Camp Korey brings joy, community, and new adventures to more than 1,600 campers, parents, siblings, and caregivers every year.

If you haven’t had a chance to give yet or would like to learn more about ways to volunteer and be involved, please consider donating or send us an email to connect with staff to learn more about how you can bring the magic of camp to kids who need it.

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