Conozca a nuestro equipo

El campamento es un lugar de infinitas posibilidades, y nuestro personal trabaja arduamente para hacer it that way! Meet the people who come together to make a difference in the lives of thousands of children with life-altering condiciones médicas y sus familias. 

Nuestro equipo de liderazgo.

2024 Dan Worra-Website

Director ejecutivo

Dan Worra


2024 Dan Worra-Website

Dan Worra

Director ejecutivo

Hi!  I’m Dan Worra, and I could not be more excited to be Camp Korey’s new CEO.  When I first heard about Camp Korey, I knew I wanted to be a part of the team, and as I learned more, I knew this was the place for me. I love being with kids; how could you not be thrilled to be a part of the team creating empowering, adaptive year-round programs for children dealing with life-altering medical conditions and their families, completely free of charge?

I appreciate what Camp Korey and Skagit County have to offer, and I work hard to promote a positive workplace environment.  My mantra is “mission, family, work hard, have fun.”  I believe in strength through diversity – workplace diversity, community diversity, and national diversity.  Quite simply, “we all have different strengths, and through communication and understanding, we can accomplish great things.”

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and taking advantage of many of the great opportunities the Northwest has to offer, including boating in the San Juan Islands, skiing in the Cascades, hiking throughout our community forestlands, and the occasional round of golf.

I look forward to meeting you!

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2024 Carly

Director de Desarrollo

carly cooper-west


2024 Carly

carly cooper-west

Director de Desarrollo

Hello! I’m Carly Cooper-West, the new Director of Development at Camp Korey! My role is dedicated to overseeing fundraising efforts, ensuring that every child and family can experience the joy of camp completely free of charge.

I am passionate about cultivating meaningful relationships, serving others, and expressing our heartfelt gratitude to those who make the magic of camp possible. I am thrilled to continue moving the mission of camp forward alongside an incredible team to serve even more kids and families!

In my free time, I love hiking, exploring all things outdoors, trying new recipes, and spending time with family!

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2024 Nichol-website

Gerente de participación comunitaria

nichol ellis


2024 Nichol-website

nichol ellis

Gerente de participación comunitaria

¡Hola, amigos del Campamento Korey!

¡Mi nombre es Nichol Ellis y estoy orgulloso de ser el Gerente de participación comunitaria del campamento! Estoy muy emocionada de ser parte de esta increíble comunidad y ser una pequeña parte de la magia del campamento. Vengo de muchos (no es necesario ponerle un número) años de experiencia en campamentos y voluntariado, ¡y creo firmemente en la experiencia increíblemente transformadora que el campamento tiene para todos!

En mi rol como Gerente de Compromiso con la Comunidad, tengo el privilegio de salir a la comunidad y compartir una pequeña parte de las cosas increíbles que suceden aquí en Camp Korey. Hablo en clubes de servicio, comparto con varios grupos, trabajo en red, asisto a eventos, planifico e implemento grandes grupos de voluntarios corporativos y, en general, llego a ser una animadora y narradora de la belleza que las experiencias de campamento ofrecen a los campistas, las familias, el personal y voluntarios! ¡Están todos invitados oficialmente a venir al Campamento Korey y recorrer el sitio y aprender más! Además, me encantaría que me invitaran a su próximo evento para presentarlo a su equipo o grupo, o por supuesto, ¡para sentarme con ustedes en el próximo juego de los Seahawks!

¡Qué tengas un lindo día!


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Top 10 Lista de las cosas favoritas de Nichol!

10. ¡Margaritas! Son mi flor favorita. Me encanta la brillante alegría de las margaritas. Y un dato curioso... ¡es mi "nombre de campamento" y responderé a él!

9. ¡Creo que los espectáculos de marionetas pueden ser algunas de las cosas más divertidas en la historia del mundo!

8. ¡Me encantan las mascotas! ¡Dinger, el Bellinghamster for the Bells ocupa un lugar muy especial en mi corazón!

7. Para mí, no hay nada más hermoso que el poder de la música en vivo. Un grupo de extraños que se reúnen para escuchar la historia de una canción que todos están experimentando individualmente juntos.

6. ¡Me encantan los temas y los disfraces y creo que hay magia en un tutú!

5. ¡Me encanta viajar y experimentar verdaderamente personas y culturas! ¡Incluso viví en Papúa Nueva Guinea durante 5 meses!

4. ¡Soy voluntario para otro campamento llamado Camp Phoenix donde servimos a niños que son sobrevivientes de quemaduras!

3. ¡Soy un gran fanático de los Seahawks! ¡Me encanta ser un 12 y animar a mi equipo favorito!

2. De hecho, ¡soy el campeón del canto de gaviotas del condado de Kitsap 2013!

1. El campamento ocupa un lugar muy especial en mi corazón. He tenido el privilegio de trabajar en 4 campamentos de verano diferentes. Empecé como orientadora en 1997 y… el resto es historia. Ese verano fue el primer verano en el que realmente entendí quién era yo y lo que estaba destinado a hacer en este mundo. Me he esforzado por hacer eso desde entonces. El campamento es un lugar donde realmente llegamos a ser nosotros mismos. Es un lugar seguro para fallar, aprender, crecer, amar y explorar. Es un lugar para dar la bienvenida a nuestras inseguridades y aceptar nuestra necesidad de comunidad. Es un lugar donde las horas son largas, las duchas son pocas y esporádicas, nuestro cabello huele a fogata, las canciones del campamento se repiten, las primeras estrellas del crepúsculo brillan más a medida que las conversaciones se profundizan, y es un lugar donde toda la vida las amistades se solidifican a través de interminables bromas internas y momentos que nunca se pueden repetir. El campamento es un lugar al que todos pertenecemos.

2024 elicia giffin - website

Director of Camp Experience

Elicia Giffin


2024 elicia giffin - website

Elicia Giffin

Director of Camp Experience

Hello! I’m Elicia Giffin, the new Director of Camp Experience for Camp Korey! Growing up, summer camp was my highlight and place where I felt most myself, and in 3rd grade, I told my dad I wanted to go to college so that I could work at camp and here I am achieving that dream! As Director of Camp Experience, my days at camp are spent supporting our Culinary, Facilities, Medical, and Program Teams to deliver kids and families a fantastic experience at Camp Korey.

In my free time, you can find me exploring with my family in the woods🌲, reading a book 📖, or on the phone with friends or family far away 📞.

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Christy 1

Director of Communications

cristian lyman


Christy 1

cristian lyman

Director of Communications

Hey there, I’m Christy Lyman, the Director of Communications here at Camp Korey.

My days at camp are a mix of weaving compelling stories, generating innovative content, and designing materials that foster the connection between camp and our community. My goal at camp is to make sure every family with the potential to benefit from camp knows about all the resources and experiences we offer.

My two best friends are the Oxford comma and a good play on words. You might say I’m pun-stoppable. After all, why use plain language when you can sprinkle a bit of pun-shine on it?

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Meghan 01 copy

Human Resources Manager

Meghan McKnight


Meghan 01 copy

Meghan McKnight

Human Resources Manager

Hey, I’m Meghan McKnight, the Human Resources Manager.

I’m thrilled to bring my experience in HR to the amazing people who staff Camp Korey. My HR philosophy is to serve those who serve others in our community and I’m so impressed by the dedication, compassion, and expertise of the CK team!

I hope to be of value and support as they provide wonderful programs and I am honored to be part of the services Camp Korey provides to families.

I enjoy traveling to new countries and love the universality of food bringing people together.

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2024 Brandon-website

Camp Director (Cabin Life)

simulacro de brandon


2024 Brandon-website

simulacro de brandon

Camp Director (Cabin Life)

Hello, I’m Brandon Mock, the Camp Director of Cabin Life at Camp Korey.

My job at camp is to help support our seasonal cabin life team in providing the best care and support to our campers as possible. My goal at camp is to provide an environment where every camper, volunteer, and staff member feels safe and cared for so that they can best experience the magic of camp.

Outside of camp, I am working on writing my dissertation for a Ph.D. in Health Communication and studying how we make sense of health through language, and how our understanding of health influences how we build health systems and health policy.

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Image (4)

Camp Director (Programs)

kortney smith


Image (4)

kortney smith

Camp Director (Programs)

Hey there! I’m Kortney Smith and I am the Camp Director (Programs).

My journey with Camp Korey began as a camper in 2009. Growing up with the shadow of a diagnosis can be really hard. But I was raised to believe that my medical condition gave me something other kids didn’t have – a unique perspective on life, a superpower.

One reason why I love my job so much is because I can encourage more people to share that perspective. I can help others recognize their superpowers and use them to better the world. Since my time as a camper, I have worn many hats, with my new favorite being Camp Director!

Around camp, you will see me planning, preparing, and executing all things programs, activities, and fun! I also supervise and support an amazing team of seasonal staff who have the uncanny ability to turn traditional activities into uproarious spectacles. At this camp, fun is not just an option – it’s a mandatory skill.

Outside of camp, my time is spent taking up new hobbies, practicing new skills, and learning what it means to be a new mom.

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2024 Shannon Staples - Website

Director médico

Shannon Staples, MD


2024 Shannon Staples - Website

Shannon Staples, MD

Director médico

Hi, my name is Shannon Staples. I am the Medical Director at Camp Korey.  I am a Pediatrician who is in charge of the medical care and safety of campers, staff, and volunteers. I am also an Emergency Department physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital for the past 22 years. Being the medical director at CK has been the most rewarding job full of adventure and soul-fulfilling work. I became the medical director after being a volunteer doctor for many years.

I pride myself in creating a fun, exciting, and safe camp experience for all. We have been able to accept more and more medically complex children and expand our condition groups over the last 6 years that I have been at CK. I love working with the programming team to provide innovative activities for our campers and families that help build community both in and outside of camp.

I have lived in Seattle since 2001 but am originally from Atlanta. I went to UW and returned to the south for med school but the entire time I was gone, I was planning for my return to the PNW. I have twin 19-year-old children who have been coming with me to camp for years in different capacities since they were 7.  I love to be outside (which is why camp is so amazing in the summer), ski in the winter, and kayak and swim in the summer. Travel is another passion of mine and I am obsessed with Maui and the whales.

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2024 Kyle Web


kyle thomas


2024 Kyle Web

kyle thomas


Howdy, I’m Kyle and I do the numbers for camp. I oversee our accounting operations and ensure that camp is a good steward of your donations.

Working at camp is such a rewarding experience and nothing brings me more joy than the sound of campers arriving.

Outside of camp, I enjoy hiking ⛰️ the Mariners ⚾️  Animal Collective 🐼, and Jamie Taco 🌮.

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Nuestro personal durante todo el año.

2024 Dan Worra-Website

Director ejecutivo

Dan Worra


2024 Dan Worra-Website

Dan Worra

Director ejecutivo

Hi!  I’m Dan Worra, and I could not be more excited to be Camp Korey’s new CEO.  When I first heard about Camp Korey, I knew I wanted to be a part of the team, and as I learned more, I knew this was the place for me. I love being with kids; how could you not be thrilled to be a part of the team creating empowering, adaptive year-round programs for children dealing with life-altering medical conditions and their families, completely free of charge?

I appreciate what Camp Korey and Skagit County have to offer, and I work hard to promote a positive workplace environment.  My mantra is “mission, family, work hard, have fun.”  I believe in strength through diversity – workplace diversity, community diversity, and national diversity.  Quite simply, “we all have different strengths, and through communication and understanding, we can accomplish great things.”

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and taking advantage of many of the great opportunities the Northwest has to offer, including boating in the San Juan Islands, skiing in the Cascades, hiking throughout our community forestlands, and the occasional round of golf.

I look forward to meeting you!

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2024 kathleen

Associate Director of Development

kathleen bancos


2024 kathleen

kathleen bancos

Associate Director of Development

Hello there! I’m Kathleen, the Associate Director of Development at Camp Korey! In this role, I get to support our team in creating opportunities for our generous community to make an impact through camp and responsibly stewarding donors’ gifts.

Me uní a Camp Korey en 2019 porque el papel que cumple nuestra misión en la comunidad me inspira y me da energía. He estado en el mundo sin fines de lucro durante casi una década y Camp Korey es el lugar más hermoso y mágico para usar mis habilidades de recaudación de fondos junto con un gran equipo.

As a kid, I loved summer camp but you would have found me under a tree reading! At Camp Korey, my favorite activity is anytime I get to try the archery range. 🎯 ❤️

En mi vida laboral, disfruto resolviendo problemas, apoyando a mis compañeros de equipo e interviniendo donde sea necesario para ayudar a las personas generosas que hacen posible el campamento.

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2024 Asha-website

Coordinador de Admisiones

Asha Broetje Bairstow


2024 Asha-website

Asha Broetje Bairstow

Coordinador de Admisiones

¡Hola! Soy Asha Broetje Bairstow, coordinadora de admisiones en Camp Korey.

En mi función, tengo el privilegio de trabajar muy de cerca con las familias y los campistas, siendo una de las primeras personas con las que interactúan en el proceso de unirse a nuestra familia del campamento. Los acompaño durante todo el proceso de solicitud y hago todo lo posible para que sea lo más fluido y libre de estrés posible, ¡a pesar de los formularios aparentemente interminables que puedo pedirles! 😊

Como Coordinadora de Admisiones, espero ayudar a que las formalidades del proceso de solicitud sean lo más sencillas posible, ¡para que las familias puedan pasar a disfrutar de la magia de nuestro campamento! He tenido el privilegio de desarrollar conexiones con docenas de nuevas familias y ayudarlas a comenzar sus viajes de campamento, ¡y espero continuar haciéndolo durante bastante tiempo!

En mi tiempo libre, mi cachorro Wally y yo disfrutamos de las aventuras en las rutas de senderismo, así como acurrucarnos juntos en el sofá mientras leo un buen libro.

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2024 Ashley

Director Culinario

ashley chandler


2024 Ashley

ashley chandler

Director Culinario

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Ashley, y soy la Directora Culinaria del Campamento Korey, responsable de los aspectos del servicio de comidas en el campamento.

Empecé a trabajar con Camp Korey en el verano de 2021 como miembro del personal de cocina a tiempo parcial y pasé a mi puesto de tiempo completo en enero de 2023. Cuando era niña, asistí a un campamento de verano durante 6 veranos y me enamoré de la cultura del campamento. y el espíritu camp de "libre para ser yo". Como adulto, soy miembro del personal del campamento de principio a fin, paso tiempo en 4 campamentos diferentes probando varios roles antes de aterrizar en Camp St. Albans, un campamento de Girl Scouts del estado de Washington; donde me desempeñé como Director Culinario durante 9 veranos.

Siempre me ha apasionado la cocina y me encanta cómo la comida puede unir a todos sin importar cuán diferentes parezcan ser. Me encanta el ajetreo y el bullicio de una cocina de campamento ocupada y la recompensa de pasar tiempo con campistas felices y llenos de panza. Algunas de mis comidas favoritas para preparar en el campamento son la pizza, la pasta, las galletas con chispas de chocolate y, por supuesto, el clásico queso a la parrilla con sopa de tomate casera.

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2024 Tim-website


Timoteo Chandonnet


2024 Tim-website

Timoteo Chandonnet


Hola, soy Tim Chandonnet, el jardinero del Campamento Korey.

Mis días típicos en el campamento los paso trabajando en estrecha colaboración con la Madre Naturaleza para mantener y mejorar el hermoso entorno natural del campamento para el beneficio y disfrute de los campistas y el personal. Espero ayudar a hacer que el campamento sea estéticamente agradable, totalmente accesible y visualmente atractivo para el máximo disfrute de todos los que nos visitan aquí en el campamento.

2024 Carly

Director de Desarrollo

carly cooper-west


2024 Carly

carly cooper-west

Director de Desarrollo

Hello! I’m Carly Cooper-West, the new Director of Development at Camp Korey! My role is dedicated to overseeing fundraising efforts, ensuring that every child and family can experience the joy of camp completely free of charge.

I am passionate about cultivating meaningful relationships, serving others, and expressing our heartfelt gratitude to those who make the magic of camp possible. I am thrilled to continue moving the mission of camp forward alongside an incredible team to serve even more kids and families!

In my free time, I love hiking, exploring all things outdoors, trying new recipes, and spending time with family!

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2024 Nichol-website

Gerente de participación comunitaria

nichol ellis


2024 Nichol-website

nichol ellis

Gerente de participación comunitaria

¡Hola, amigos del Campamento Korey!

¡Mi nombre es Nichol Ellis y estoy orgulloso de ser el Gerente de participación comunitaria del campamento! Estoy muy emocionada de ser parte de esta increíble comunidad y ser una pequeña parte de la magia del campamento. Vengo de muchos (no es necesario ponerle un número) años de experiencia en campamentos y voluntariado, ¡y creo firmemente en la experiencia increíblemente transformadora que el campamento tiene para todos!

En mi rol como Gerente de Compromiso con la Comunidad, tengo el privilegio de salir a la comunidad y compartir una pequeña parte de las cosas increíbles que suceden aquí en Camp Korey. Hablo en clubes de servicio, comparto con varios grupos, trabajo en red, asisto a eventos, planifico e implemento grandes grupos de voluntarios corporativos y, en general, llego a ser una animadora y narradora de la belleza que las experiencias de campamento ofrecen a los campistas, las familias, el personal y voluntarios! ¡Están todos invitados oficialmente a venir al Campamento Korey y recorrer el sitio y aprender más! Además, me encantaría que me invitaran a su próximo evento para presentarlo a su equipo o grupo, o por supuesto, ¡para sentarme con ustedes en el próximo juego de los Seahawks!

¡Qué tengas un lindo día!


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Top 10 Lista de las cosas favoritas de Nichol!

10. ¡Margaritas! Son mi flor favorita. Me encanta la brillante alegría de las margaritas. Y un dato curioso... ¡es mi "nombre de campamento" y responderé a él!

9. ¡Creo que los espectáculos de marionetas pueden ser algunas de las cosas más divertidas en la historia del mundo!

8. ¡Me encantan las mascotas! ¡Dinger, el Bellinghamster for the Bells ocupa un lugar muy especial en mi corazón!

7. Para mí, no hay nada más hermoso que el poder de la música en vivo. Un grupo de extraños que se reúnen para escuchar la historia de una canción que todos están experimentando individualmente juntos.

6. ¡Me encantan los temas y los disfraces y creo que hay magia en un tutú!

5. ¡Me encanta viajar y experimentar verdaderamente personas y culturas! ¡Incluso viví en Papúa Nueva Guinea durante 5 meses!

4. ¡Soy voluntario para otro campamento llamado Camp Phoenix donde servimos a niños que son sobrevivientes de quemaduras!

3. ¡Soy un gran fanático de los Seahawks! ¡Me encanta ser un 12 y animar a mi equipo favorito!

2. De hecho, ¡soy el campeón del canto de gaviotas del condado de Kitsap 2013!

1. El campamento ocupa un lugar muy especial en mi corazón. He tenido el privilegio de trabajar en 4 campamentos de verano diferentes. Empecé como orientadora en 1997 y… el resto es historia. Ese verano fue el primer verano en el que realmente entendí quién era yo y lo que estaba destinado a hacer en este mundo. Me he esforzado por hacer eso desde entonces. El campamento es un lugar donde realmente llegamos a ser nosotros mismos. Es un lugar seguro para fallar, aprender, crecer, amar y explorar. Es un lugar para dar la bienvenida a nuestras inseguridades y aceptar nuestra necesidad de comunidad. Es un lugar donde las horas son largas, las duchas son pocas y esporádicas, nuestro cabello huele a fogata, las canciones del campamento se repiten, las primeras estrellas del crepúsculo brillan más a medida que las conversaciones se profundizan, y es un lugar donde toda la vida las amistades se solidifican a través de interminables bromas internas y momentos que nunca se pueden repetir. El campamento es un lugar al que todos pertenecemos.

Shayna Ely 01 small

Ama de casa

Shayna Ely


Shayna Ely 01 small

Shayna Ely

Ama de casa

Hi, I’m Shayna, a Housekeeper on the Facilities Team.

My joy is to provide a clean and comfortable space for campers and their families so they can freely experience the magic of camp.

When I’m not on-site, I spend most of my free time with family.

2024 elicia giffin - website

Director of Camp Experience

Elicia Giffin


2024 elicia giffin - website

Elicia Giffin

Director of Camp Experience

Hello! I’m Elicia Giffin, the new Director of Camp Experience for Camp Korey! Growing up, summer camp was my highlight and place where I felt most myself, and in 3rd grade, I told my dad I wanted to go to college so that I could work at camp and here I am achieving that dream! As Director of Camp Experience, my days at camp are spent supporting our Culinary, Facilities, Medical, and Program Teams to deliver kids and families a fantastic experience at Camp Korey.

In my free time, you can find me exploring with my family in the woods🌲, reading a book 📖, or on the phone with friends or family far away 📞.

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2024 Polly

Major Gifts Officer

Polly Hopkins


2024 Polly

Polly Hopkins

Major Gifts Officer

Hello! I’m Polly Hopkins and I’m delighted to be Camp Korey’s Major Gifts Officer. My role is to connect philanthropically minded people with the opportunity to help camp grow and thrive, increasing the number of children and families we can welcome.

As a child, attending summer camp in the redwoods of northern California was a life-changing experience for me. It was a place that modeled independence, self-esteem, teamwork, and love of nature. Camp Korey provides these lessons for our campers and families completely free of charge. For those who can’t attend in person, our Camp to You program offers children individualized experiences focused on having fun and taking a moment to step outside of their daily concerns.

In my spare time, you will find me snuggling my rescue kitty, gardening, reading, walking, and swimming in the Salish Sea.

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2024 Ben Jones - website

Técnico de Mantenimiento

Ben Jones


2024 Ben Jones - website

Ben Jones

Técnico de Mantenimiento

Hello, my name is Ben and I’m a maintenance technician here at the camp. My job is to ensure that all the facilities are in excellent condition to provide a safe and welcoming environment for both campers and staff.

I was born and raised in Mount Vernon, WA, and currently live on the west side with my family. In my free time, I enjoy tinkering with old cars and throwing pottery on the wheel.

2024 Malon Kelly

Communications Coordinator

Malon Kelly


2024 Malon Kelly

Malon Kelly

Communications Coordinator

Hello! My name is Malon Kelly, and I am a part of the Communications Team here at Camp Korey. My role is dedicated to assisting our wonderful Communications Director, Christy Lyman, with telling the stories of camp and developing engaging content to share our stories with the community.

Through my background in community organizing around healthcare access and workers’ rights, I fell in love with the power of storytelling. It was this love that led me to transition my career to communications about five years ago. My mission throughout my career has always been to break down barriers and support communities through creativity and joy.

In my after-work life, I am a surrealist painter and share my home with two cats named after great artists, Edgar Allen Paw and Marguerite Purrr-ard. I get immense joy from cooking for people that I love and am always down for a craft or board game night!

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2024 Melanie

Contador del personal

Melanie Kooch


2024 Melanie

Melanie Kooch

Contador del personal

Hello!  My name is Melanie Kooch, the Staff Accountant here at Camp Korey.

My day consists of making sure the financial transactions, records, and reports make for a healthy sustainable organization..i.e. (coffee) Bean Counter.  I LOVE working for a nonprofit that allows children to experience a magical moment in their lives and forget about their medical conditions.  Their smiles say it all.

In my off time, I enjoy spending time with my family (my 💜)…knitting 🧶… and spending time with friends 👭.


Facilitador de Campamento para ti

katie leroux

katie leroux

Facilitador de Campamento para ti

Christy 1

Director of Communications

cristian lyman


Christy 1

cristian lyman

Director of Communications

Hey there, I’m Christy Lyman, the Director of Communications here at Camp Korey.

My days at camp are a mix of weaving compelling stories, generating innovative content, and designing materials that foster the connection between camp and our community. My goal at camp is to make sure every family with the potential to benefit from camp knows about all the resources and experiences we offer.

My two best friends are the Oxford comma and a good play on words. You might say I’m pun-stoppable. After all, why use plain language when you can sprinkle a bit of pun-shine on it?

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2024 Paige-website

Gerente de Voluntarios

paige macintosh


2024 Paige-website

paige macintosh

Gerente de Voluntarios


¡Soy Paige y soy la Gerente de Voluntarios en el Campamento Korey!

Comencé mi participación en Camp Korey en 2008 (cuando tenía 17 años). He sido voluntario, miembro del personal de verano y pasante para ahora ser gerente de voluntarios de tiempo completo. ¡Es realmente un momento de círculo completo comenzar como voluntario y ahora poder reclutar y apoyar a tantos voluntarios increíbles y ver cómo el campamento cambia sus vidas! Además de reclutar y apoyar a los voluntarios, realizo mucho trabajo administrativo, como asegurarme de tener toda la documentación que necesito de los voluntarios, además de recopilar todos los números y horas de los voluntarios para fines de datos. 😊

He vivido en el estado de Washington toda mi vida. Me gradué de la Universidad de Western Washington con una licenciatura en Recreación Terapéutica y una especialización en Psicología. Me encanta jugar/ver deportes (especialmente fútbol), bailar, armar rompecabezas y juegos de palabras/números, probar nuevos restaurantes y pasar el mayor tiempo posible con mis amigos y familiares.

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Meghan 01 copy

Human Resources Manager

Meghan McKnight


Meghan 01 copy

Meghan McKnight

Human Resources Manager

Hey, I’m Meghan McKnight, the Human Resources Manager.

I’m thrilled to bring my experience in HR to the amazing people who staff Camp Korey. My HR philosophy is to serve those who serve others in our community and I’m so impressed by the dedication, compassion, and expertise of the CK team!

I hope to be of value and support as they provide wonderful programs and I am honored to be part of the services Camp Korey provides to families.

I enjoy traveling to new countries and love the universality of food bringing people together.

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2024 Abby-website

Coordinadora del Campamento a Ti

abby miranda


2024 Abby-website

abby miranda

Coordinadora del Campamento a Ti

¡Hola, soy Abby y soy la coordinadora de Camp to You!

Estoy muy emocionado de traer una parte de Camp Korey a nuestros hospitales locales. Mi objetivo es honrar el coraje, la creatividad y la resiliencia de todos nuestros campistas. Tuve la suerte de pasar dos veranos increíbles en nuestro equipo de personal de temporada antes de incorporarme a tiempo completo.

Soy mi tiempo libre. Me gusta hacer cualquier cosa al aire libre, como esquiar, caminar, nadar y navegar en kayak. También me encanta todo tipo de proyectos de arte y manualidades, especialmente tejido, álbumes de recortes y pintura.

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2024 Brandon-website

Camp Director (Cabin Life)

simulacro de brandon


2024 Brandon-website

simulacro de brandon

Camp Director (Cabin Life)

Hello, I’m Brandon Mock, the Camp Director of Cabin Life at Camp Korey.

My job at camp is to help support our seasonal cabin life team in providing the best care and support to our campers as possible. My goal at camp is to provide an environment where every camper, volunteer, and staff member feels safe and cared for so that they can best experience the magic of camp.

Outside of camp, I am working on writing my dissertation for a Ph.D. in Health Communication and studying how we make sense of health through language, and how our understanding of health influences how we build health systems and health policy.

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2024 Christa Pugh - website

Corporate Partnership Liaison

christa pugh


2024 Christa Pugh - website

christa pugh

Corporate Partnership Liaison

Christa grew up in Snohomish County, lived in Seattle and in New York City, then made her way back to the PNW to be closer to family, (especially her sister’s kiddos, who she ADORES!). She joined Camp Korey staff in April 2020 and her joy and enthusiasm drives our corporate partners to be inspired to support the wonderful impact on campers and their families. In summertime, if she’s not a camp you can find Christa helping out at the family blueberry farm, or somewhere by the water.

2024 Scott-website

Guest Services

Scott Rossiter


2024 Scott-website

Scott Rossiter

Guest Services

Hi, my name is Scott, and I love hosting guest groups, recruiting and connecting with camp operations volunteers, and sharing our Camp Korey stories in the community.

Working collaboratively behind the scenes to connect people with transformational spaces and service experiences is my jam!

I live just 20 minutes away in Arlington with my wife Nikki. When we’re not at camp we enjoy day trips to explore the many small historic seaside towns, antique stores, and roadside stands found across our state.

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2024 Matt - website


Mateo Sanglier


2024 Matt - website

Mateo Sanglier


Hi, I’m Matt.

I am responsible for the cleanliness of camp both inside and out, and performing maintenance work on campus.

I have worked in sales and culinary fields in the past, and I am a Veteran of Desert Storm. I had the opportunity to travel around the world, and I have walked on every continent and visited 32 countries and all but 6 states in the US.

In my free time, I enjoy hiking, biking, and running.

2024 Jen - website

Nursing Director

Jen Shaw


2024 Jen - website

Jen Shaw

Nursing Director

Hola, soy Jen Shaw, directora de enfermería en Camp Korey.

He sido enfermera pediátrica durante 17 años y antes de venir a Camp Korey a tiempo completo era enfermera de UCI y enfermera de RIESGO en Seattle Children's. Todavía trabajo por día en el departamento de Atención de Urgencias del Seattle Children's y me encanta ver a los campistas cuando tienen que visitar el hospital. También soy Instructora de Enfermería y enseño PALS (Soporte Vital Avanzado Pediátrico).

Mi esposo y yo compartimos 6 hijos y un nieto y una de nuestras hijas también es campista. Mis dos perros Leo y Shadow viven en el campamento conmigo todo el verano y muchos de los campistas están emocionados de volver y ver a los perros mientras están en el campamento.

En mi tiempo libre, a mi familia ya mí nos gusta caminar, caminar con raquetas de nieve, acampar, andar en bicicleta, jugar juntos y viajar.

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Image (4)

Camp Director (Programs)

kortney smith


Image (4)

kortney smith

Camp Director (Programs)

Hey there! I’m Kortney Smith and I am the Camp Director (Programs).

My journey with Camp Korey began as a camper in 2009. Growing up with the shadow of a diagnosis can be really hard. But I was raised to believe that my medical condition gave me something other kids didn’t have – a unique perspective on life, a superpower.

One reason why I love my job so much is because I can encourage more people to share that perspective. I can help others recognize their superpowers and use them to better the world. Since my time as a camper, I have worn many hats, with my new favorite being Camp Director!

Around camp, you will see me planning, preparing, and executing all things programs, activities, and fun! I also supervise and support an amazing team of seasonal staff who have the uncanny ability to turn traditional activities into uproarious spectacles. At this camp, fun is not just an option – it’s a mandatory skill.

Outside of camp, my time is spent taking up new hobbies, practicing new skills, and learning what it means to be a new mom.

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2024 Shannon Staples - Website

Director médico

Shannon Staples, MD


2024 Shannon Staples - Website

Shannon Staples, MD

Director médico

Hi, my name is Shannon Staples. I am the Medical Director at Camp Korey.  I am a Pediatrician who is in charge of the medical care and safety of campers, staff, and volunteers. I am also an Emergency Department physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital for the past 22 years. Being the medical director at CK has been the most rewarding job full of adventure and soul-fulfilling work. I became the medical director after being a volunteer doctor for many years.

I pride myself in creating a fun, exciting, and safe camp experience for all. We have been able to accept more and more medically complex children and expand our condition groups over the last 6 years that I have been at CK. I love working with the programming team to provide innovative activities for our campers and families that help build community both in and outside of camp.

I have lived in Seattle since 2001 but am originally from Atlanta. I went to UW and returned to the south for med school but the entire time I was gone, I was planning for my return to the PNW. I have twin 19-year-old children who have been coming with me to camp for years in different capacities since they were 7.  I love to be outside (which is why camp is so amazing in the summer), ski in the winter, and kayak and swim in the summer. Travel is another passion of mine and I am obsessed with Maui and the whales.

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Líder de mantenimiento

Larkin Starkovich



Larkin Starkovich

Líder de mantenimiento

Hi! My name is Larkin Starkovich I am the maintenance lead. I do a little bit of everything from ditch digging to vehicle maintenance and repairs. So, our campers and families can have a wonderful experience at Camp Korey.

As for me, I enjoy going camping and fishing as much as possible. Go, Camp Korey!!!

2024 Kyle Web


kyle thomas


2024 Kyle Web

kyle thomas


Howdy, I’m Kyle and I do the numbers for camp. I oversee our accounting operations and ensure that camp is a good steward of your donations.

Working at camp is such a rewarding experience and nothing brings me more joy than the sound of campers arriving.

Outside of camp, I enjoy hiking ⛰️ the Mariners ⚾️  Animal Collective 🐼, and Jamie Taco 🌮.

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Nuestro personal de verano.


Media Specialist

Alieu Diaw

Alieu Diaw

Media Specialist


Cabin Life Lead

Amber Jones

Amber Jones

Cabin Life Lead


Activity Counselor

Angela Romeo

Angela Romeo

Activity Counselor


Kitchen Assistant

Ayden Cantrell

Ayden Cantrell

Kitchen Assistant


Nursing Coordinator

Cody Fletcher

Cody Fletcher

Nursing Coordinator


Cabin Counselor

Ella Hernand

Ella Hernand

Cabin Counselor


Staff Nurse

Eric Breen

Eric Breen

Staff Nurse


Coordinador de Vida en Cabina

ET Shoul

ET Shoul

Coordinador de Vida en Cabina


Activity Counselor

Eva Cooper

Eva Cooper

Activity Counselor


Gatehouse Attendant



Gatehouse Attendant


Cabin Counselor

georgia trathen

georgia trathen

Cabin Counselor


Kitchen Assistant

Granny Ivie

Granny Ivie

Kitchen Assistant


Staff Nurse

Grant Hughes

Grant Hughes

Staff Nurse


Kitchen Assistant



Kitchen Assistant


Cuteness Coordinator



Cuteness Coordinator


Kitchen Assistant

Heather Moore

Heather Moore

Kitchen Assistant


Staff Nurse

Jadie Carter

Jadie Carter

Staff Nurse


Cabin Counselor



Cabin Counselor


Cabin Counselor

Jessica Plymale

Jessica Plymale

Cabin Counselor


Coordinador de programa

kalie yargus

kalie yargus

Coordinador de programa


Child Life Specialist

karly monteith

karly monteith

Child Life Specialist


Activity Counselor

lara esteban

lara esteban

Activity Counselor


Cabin Counselor

Lily Wright

Lily Wright

Cabin Counselor


Cabin Life Lead

Maddy Buckley

Maddy Buckley

Cabin Life Lead


Activity Counselor

Madi Greene

Madi Greene

Activity Counselor


Cabin Counselor

Mason Gonzalez

Mason Gonzalez

Cabin Counselor


Media Specialist

Natalie Ballard

Natalie Ballard

Media Specialist


Activity Counselor

Nia Brice

Nia Brice

Activity Counselor


Kitchen Assistant

Olivia Noland

Olivia Noland

Kitchen Assistant


Kitchen Assistant

Owen Kotal

Owen Kotal

Kitchen Assistant


Cabin Counselor

Rory Broding

Rory Broding

Cabin Counselor


Staff Nurse

Shannon Thompson

Shannon Thompson

Staff Nurse


Activity Counselor

Shiloh O’Clair

Shiloh O’Clair

Activity Counselor


Cabin Counselor

Smaranda Lupu

Smaranda Lupu

Cabin Counselor


Cabin Counselor

Theo Schultz

Theo Schultz

Cabin Counselor


Cabin Counselor

tony luangrath

tony luangrath

Cabin Counselor


Lead Media Specialist

Will Langston

Will Langston

Lead Media Specialist
